Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney

5 Smile Makeover Tips From Our Cosmetic Dentists

Nov 5, 2013 @ 03:00 AM — by Dr. Pinnix
Tagged with: Ballantyne Blakeney Charlotte Cosmetic Dentists Nc

Are you happy with your smile? Have years of coffee, tea or soda discolored your teeth? Perhaps you are finally sick of hiding your crooked or chipped teeth in every family photo. If so, you're probably looking for tips to improve your smile. Here are 5 cosmetic dental services which can help improve your confidence with a radiant smile.

Teeth Whitening
Smile makeover dentists in Charlotte recommend teeth whitening for folks who have discolored but otherwise healthy and straight teeth. Most cosmetic dentists let you choose between a natural color or a deep bleaching. Treatment is quick and painless, and you will notice a brighter smile with both procedures.

Dental Crowns
Crowns are excellent if you have a chipped tooth that you find embarrassing. It could be because of an injury or a filling that's fallen out. A crown is basically a cap that's placed over the broken tooth to hide it. Some people choose metal crowns, but most adults prefer crowns that match the color of the rest of their teeth. Your cosmetic dentistry office can also offer you crowns that are made of resin or porcelain.

Porcelain Veneers
Your cosmetic dentistry office has a lot of experience with porcelain veneers. This popular smile makeover technique consists of thin shells that are adhered to the front of your teeth. These not only whiten your smile, they can also make a crooked smile look straight. Veneers are commonly used by folks who want that gap in the middle of their front teeth to disappear.

Once the bastion of the teenage set, braces have now been embraced by adults. They're the perfect, natural way to get the smile you have always dreamed about. Metal braces are still popular, especially for people who love to use different colored rubber bands as a fashion statement. However, most adults prefer clear braces that are fitted over their teeth and are invisible to the naked eye. These braces can be taken off when eating and at night, and make teeth cleaning easy and stress free.

Dental Bridges
A dental bridge is an excellent way to fill in missing front teeth. They are also used for chipped and decayed teeth. Smile makeover dentists in Charlotte place the dental bridge between two anchoring teeth for a perfect makeover. The bridge can also be supported by implants.

Tips To Improve My Smile
No matter what smile makeover you choose, your cosmetic dentistry office reminds you that proper oral care is important in order to keep your smile as bright and beautiful as it can possibly be.