Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney

Jaw Pain May Signal the Presence of Other Dental Problems

Feb 5, 2016 @ 12:38 PM — by Dr. Pinnix
Tagged with: Jaw Pain Tmj Disorders

The team at Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney is proud to provide people in the greater Charlotte area with some of the best dental care possible. This is rooted in state-of-the-art preventative and general dentistry, which notes problems with the teeth, gums, jaw joint, and other structures of the mouth.

We'd like to take a moment right now to consider how jaw pain may be the sign of different kinds of dental problems.

Jaw Pain After a Facial Injury

If you suffer a blow to the face or head, this can lead to an injury of the jaw. The jaw joint, the mandible, of the other tissues of the area may be affected, resulting in pain. The proper treatment for the injury will depend on its nature.

Jaw Pain Due to a TMJ Disorder (TMD)

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is one of the most complicated joints in the entire body given all the motions necessary for speaking, eating, and making facial expressions. When there is a dysfunction of the joint's proper motion, it can lead to pain as well as locking of the jaw, clicking, and grinding. This is known as a TMJ disorder. The best treatment for this condition will depend on the reason for the TMD.

Jaw Pain Due to Tooth Decay or Tooth Injury

When you have an injured tooth or suffer from serious tooth decay, especially of the molars, this pain can radiate to the jaw, resulting in pain and soreness. Undergoing a restorative procedure for the injury or decay is the best option to consider to alleviate this pain.

Jaw Pain Due to a Root Canal Infection

A root canal infection occurs when the soft tissue within a tooth has been infected by the oral bacteria that naturally occurs in the mouth. Having this infected soft tissue removed is the ideal treatment to stop the spread of the infection and address the pain associated with the condition.

Jaw Pain Due to Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Teeth grinding occurs when a person unconsciously clenches, gnashes, and shifts their teeth during sleep. Teeth grinding can cause tooth damage and injury. It can also cause serious harm to the jaw joint given the stress and strain caused by the gnashing and clenching. A common part of the treatment for teeth grinding is the use of bite guard to reduce the contact between the upper and lower teeth.

Jaw Pain Due to Impacted Wisdom Teeth

When you have impacted wisdom teeth, that means that these new sets of molars are coming in crooked, placing pressure on the molars and potentially harming the mandible itself as well. When this occurs, the jaw pain can be quite serious. Extraction of the wisdom teeth is the best option for treating this matter.

Jaw Pain as a Warning Sign of Oral Cancer

Any growths or pain around various parts of the body could be the sign of a serious health issue such as cancer, which is a major concern to keep in mind especially as you get older. If you experience serious pain in the jaw or along the jawline, be sure to discuss these matters with your dentist or general practitioner so you can be screened for cancer.

Discuss Your Dental Health Options with Your Dentist

Any time you notice issues with jaw pain or toothaches, it's important that you discuss these issues with your dentist. This will allow you to get the treatment you need as soon as possible and prevent any dental health issues you may experience from getting worse.

Learn More About Your Dental Care Options

For more information about your dental treatment options and how to have the healthiest smile possible, be sure to contact our cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. The team at Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney looks forward to your visit and helping you achieve optimal dental wellness.